sexta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2016

The eye in the sky.

Partimos para o fim-de-semana ao som do canadiano Matt Robertson. O músico, compositor, produtor e orquestrador tem um novo disco, "In Echelon", dedicado ao tema da vigilância. Robertson descreve o conceito do disco da seguinte maneira:

I liken the surveillance phenomenon to a huge slow moving airship that everyone can see, but because it just hovers around really slowly, after a while people become used to it and eventually ignore it or get used to its presence. A lot of the harmonic ideas are really slow moving, but sometimes against a faster moving background. Also harmonically I think some of it is slightly uncomfortable, but wrapped in a comfortable shell.

Estranho? Sim, mas muito bom. Aqui ficam duas amostras do novo trabalho: "Hold" e "PostScript"

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